Reasons Why You Should Raise Backyard Chickens

One question, you may find yourself asking is, “Should I raise chickens?”

This is an excellent question and my answer to each and every person who might ask this is – Yes, yes you should!

At this point I’m completely biased towards the entire notion of raising these breakfast laying fluff-bottomed birds, but in all honesty and sincerity, I really could not recommend any animal more than I do chickens. 

There are numerous benefits that come with raising chickens.  Not only do you gain a source of fresh and delicious eggs, but you also gain a (potentially loving) pet that can bring you hours of entertainment and enjoyment. 

If you are wanting to raise the birds for meat, then you gain an ethically raised source of protein of which you have full control over the diet and living conditions.

They are also a great entry level animal into the farming/homesteading world.  So, if you’ve been thinking about buying some land and having your own farm then chickens may be the way to go, especially since some suburban and city communities now allow them within their limits so you can get a taste of farm living before making the plunge.

Now, should you go out and purchase a whole bunch of baby chicks right now, bring ’em home and house them in your bathtub?  Probably not.  While chickens are relatively low maintenance, there are multiple aspects you should consider and questions you should ask yourself before getting them such as are you even legally allowed to keep them???

Make sure to do your research and know what kind of commitment raising chickens will mean for you.  Like with anything, there are multiple pros as well as cons.  But I urge you to not let the cons deter you too much, because chickens are truly a wonderous animal and a pleasure to raise!


2 thoughts on “Reasons Why You Should Raise Backyard Chickens

  1. Thank you so much for your comment Mark! While my schedule is hectic right now, I have more posts in the works and hope to start posting more soon, including recipes and crafts and such. Thank you for visiting my site! -Kim

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